In A Bidding War? ⚔️ Show The Seller You're Serious.

Stand Out From The Rest

Okay, so you've found the perfect investment property–-great location, solid numbers, tons of potential. But guess what? So have three other investors.

What separates the investors who close deals from those who just talk about them? Often, it's having a solid Proof of Funds (POF) letter ready to go.

When you show up with a POF letter, you're basically telling the seller: "I'm not just window shopping. I've got access to the funding to make this happen."

With housing inventory at historically low levels, this could mean the difference between winning or losing the next bidding war. 

Customize Your Proof Of Funds Template In Our Portal

As a direct lender with our own private capital, NavCap can close deals that our competitors can’t. We make it as easy as possible to secure funding. Everything can be done right through our web portal. This includes accessing our free proof of funds letter which can be customized for your specific investment project. 

How do you access the POF template? Just go to our website and sign up. 

Sign Up

Once you create a member account, you are able to print a proof of funds tailored to your offer by providing basic information about the location and sales price of the property. Presenting this letter along with your sales contract provides the seller with the assurance that you can put your money where your mouth is. 

Of course, the proof of funds letter is a non-binding document since actual loan approval will depend on many things including an acceptable appraised value and mutually agreeable terms. You can fill out a full application and submit all of the required documentation right on our website to generate a more specific conditional loan approval. It’s that simple. 


As always, we here at NavCap are ready and willing to help you anyway we can. Reach out to your loan officer directly or call/text us at 888.444.3160 to be put in touch. 

Happy investing!