Watch This Short Video And Nail Your Next REI Project's Scope of Work

person estimating materials and labor costs for REI project's scope of work

Start your next project off on the right foot. 

How exactly can you do that? Make a plan and stick to it. We can help. 

We have created a free, downloadable Scope Of Work (SOW) template that you can use to estimate the repair costs for your next deal. 

Watch this short video to see how easy it is to create a concise, workable Scope of Work for your real estate investing project. 

Think you don’t need a Scope of Work? Think again. 

By sorting out what needs to be done and at what cost, you will be able to clearly assess the viability of the project—right upfront. A higher than expected SOW can be a red flag, causing you to pass a potential project by. But, assuming the SOW is in line with expectations, it can also be a great tool to keep the project moving along on schedule. It also facilitates the funding process as many hard and private money lenders, including NavCap, will rely on the SOW when approving draw payments. 

Still have questions about your SOW? Or maybe you have the SOW figured out and are looking for competitive financing for your next project. Either way, NavCap is happy to help. Put our local team to work for you. Give us a call at 443.603.0193 or email us at