Have Questions? 🤔 We Have Answers

Here at Navigator Private Capital, we work closely with real estate investors at all experience levels. Some of our clients have been in the business for quite some time while others are just dipping their toes in the investing pond. 

We are happy to be the guiding force in our borrowers’ projects and get a lot of satisfaction from their success. 

Since 2016, we have financed flips, rentals, and new construction projects of all sizes from small single-family properties to large multi-unit projects. Our partners have a combined 75 years of experience in the real estate and mortgage lending business. 

You could say that we have been around the proverbial block a few times. 

We are happy to share the benefit of our experience with our clients. We field calls and emails from potential borrowers everyday asking for advice about their particular project. It occurred to us that if one person has a question about, say, the loan application process or how to request a draw, then others may have the same question. 

So we created a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and added them to our website. We hope you find them useful. 

Get The FAQs

If you have a deal in need of funding, we would love to hear from you. There are lots of ways to get in touch with us—by email or by phone/text at 888.444.3160. Or just click the link below to go to our website and register to gain access to a whole host of tools and resources including a customizable Proof of Funds letter. 

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